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Clan Beveridge History

beveridge_img_historyThe name is said to originate from the island of Beverege in the Severn, referred to by Florence of  Worcester as a retreat of the Danes during a revolt of the English.

The name is first recorded in Scotland when Walter Beverage is named as juror on an inquest at St. Andrews in 1302.

Henry Beveragh was a witness in Paisley in 1504.

In 1531 a decree against Alexander Bauerage is recorded.

David Beverage was cup-bearer to James V in 1534, and James Baverage who was son of the Queen’s midwife, received a payment in 1567.

Alexander Bavirige was a monk of Culross during the 16th century.

James and Andrew Beverage were fined in 1677 for brewing beer that was too weak, and are recorded as ‘Belfarge’ when appealing for remission of their fines a few days later.

In 1724 there is a John Beverich at Houburn-mill in the parish of Coldingham.

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